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Yay – the Ukulele Playing Machine can sing!

Oh the joy! It has been lovely making lots of steampunk machines to order, but I’ve finally got time to get on with the Ukulele Playing Machine!

Last time I got the note timing sorted out, but just couldn’t get the Teensy, with its marvellous range of live SFX, to play Victoria the automaton singing along. I say ‘marvellous’, as the Teensy offers the plethora of audio filters, mixers and other effects, necessary to add live hiss, crackle and wow & flutter effects to an audio file, in order to make it sound like an old fashioned gramophone recording!

This time, I followed the Teensy audio board tutorial to the letter… no more ‘this is obvious’ and ‘I don’t need to bother learning that’. I methodically followed the tutorial, and surprise, surprise, it worked! Having got the Arduino Mega to ‘talk’ to the Teensy, it was time to see if Victoria the automaton’s vocals would synchronise with the Ukulele machine… it did! Not perfectly – she got out of time on occasion, but,…