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World Championship GRAND FINAL – Clash of Clans

From millions of players around the world, only 8 teams earned the privilege to compete in the World Championship Finals. From 8 emerged 4 victorious Clans, and from those 4 only 1 will claim the main prize… After an incredible weekend of the best Town Hall 13 attacks ever seen, it comes down to these final moments. When the dust settles, who will be crowned the World Champions of 2020? Which Clan will be able to claim the title of best in the world? With the grand prize just within grasping distance, each team will be giving their opponent everything they have to ensure their victory!

Finals Matchups:
ATN.aTTaX vs. Vatang
QueeN Walkers vs. x6tence
ATN.aTTaX vs. Vatang
QueeN Walkers vs. x6tence
Grand Final – M1 winner vs. M2 winner (Bo2)

Finalist Teams:
Darkest MuZhan:
eleVen Original:
H.T Family:
Ni Chang Dance