If you’re curious about Windows 11 for music production compared with Linux, I might save you several installation reboots, and a whole lot of down time while you wait! It’s fine, it works, it looks much better than Windows 10… Of course it does, it looks more like Linux! What about under the hood though? That’s where it really matters. Here are some of my thoughts about it.
1. I still encountered random bugs in Windows, just like in Linux, but I wouldn’t have a clue how to fix them in Windows.
2. I miss the terminal. I know that powershell exists but I’m lost in it. I doubt you’d be permitted to do much in it anyway.
3. Some of the software I missed since moving from my 2012 Macbook Pro (MacOS) to Linux turns out to be not very good when using a 4k monitor. Some of the NI Komplete stuff looks dated and tiny, so it’s barely worth thinking about.
4. I miss Jack Audio Connection Kit and the power to route audio wherever I want in my system by simply dragging a few patch…