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TOP 5 TWEAKS for Your Status Bar on iOS 13

Today, we’ll go over my top five favorite jailbreak tweaks for iOS 13 for your status bar. Most of these tweaks are visual, but some also add extra functionality, and they are all compatible with both the Unc0ver and Checkra1n jailbreaks.

The first tweak we’ll go over, “WeatherGround” shows the current temperature outside and weather conditions when you tap the time in your status bar. The next tweak, “PerfectTime” does several things. First, it adds the date next to your time in the status bar. It also can hide your location indicator, disable breadcrumbs, and more. Next, we discuss “PerfectBattery” which basically is a visual jailbreak tweak that adds the battery percent inside your battery icon in your status bar. Next, we discuss “BatteryPercentX”, a tweak that lets modify your battery icon even more by adding shortcuts to it. For example I set mine up so I can double tap my battery icon to toggle low power mode, and I can hold on it to respring. Finally,…