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Top 20 Windows 10 Tips & Tricks

In this step-by-step tutorial, learn the top 20 best Microsoft Windows 10 tips and tricks.

๐Ÿ‘‹ Resources called out in this video:
โ€“ How to upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8 to Windows 10 for free:

โŒš Timestamps
0:00 Introduction
0:27 Game bar to record screen
2:20 Video editor to edit video
3:40 Emoji
4:22 Delay & schedule Windows Updates
5:16 Copy & paste multiple items
6:17 Snip & Sketch to take screenshot
7:17 Calculator
9:05 Dark mode
9:56 WordPad with spell checker
10:52 Magnifier & Read aloud
11:36 Night light
12:34 Quick assist for remote assistance
13:31 Enable & disable startup apps
14:14 Shake & snap
15:00 Cortana
15:54 Multiple desktops
16:46 Shortcut to open apps on taskbar quickly
17:23 Add additional clocks
18:07 Voice recorder
18:56 Become a Windows Insider
20:13 Wrap up

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