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The WonderMedia WM8850 Android Laptop from 2013 is likely one of the cheapest laptops to exist…

Timestamps are integrated into the video now showing each segment dedicated to this device.
I was aiming for about 40 minutes but I ran a bit overtime, so that’s why there’s timestamps so you can skip to wherever you need to be. No harm in doing so! If you are here to see the teardown, you can skip to that. If you are here just for the specs, you can skip to that – there’s no problems in doing so. I thank you for even clicking on this video!
Greetings and welcome to another In-Depth Cheapo Review of…a LAPTOP! FINALLY!

It’s been a while since I’ve covered cheapo Laptops on the channel and SO many people have asked for me to do a review on one and…almost 3 years later. Here we are!

I also figured let’s try emulation on this because Android 4.1 is so limited nowadays and I had to show the performance of this somehow. I’m happy to do more emulation in videos on older devices just for the fun of it.

Well, you sat through me…