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The Best Solar Tweaks Alternative | How to get Freelook on Lunar Client?

How To Use BANNED Mods On Lunar Client? How to get Solar Tweaks working? Best Solar Tweaks Alternatives? How to enable Freelook on Hypixel in Lunar? Best Lunar Profile.

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In this video, I’ll show you how to use the Freelook mod on Lunar Client. Freelook allows you to look around while you’re in the game, without having to move your character.

AutoText is a popular banned mod that allows you to automatically pre-type into the chat box. This is great for when you don’t have time to type everything out yourself!

Both of these mods are useful for making the game more immersive and easier to navigate. So be sure to check out this video and see how they can help you in your game!
In this video, we’re going to be discussing…