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The BEST Cracked & Premium Minecraft PVP FPS Boosting Client With Free Cosmetics (Fluid Client)

LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you’re new! Hope you guys all enjoy 🙂 Fluid Client is a Minecraft PVP client with custom mods, capes, and free cosmetics as well as an insane FPS boost, if you want to enter my free premium Minecraft account giveaway then make sure to like, subscribe, comment why you should win, and share this video to all your friends, enjoy The Best Minecraft Pvp Client

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Tags do not read: In this video we take a closer look at some of the most popular Minecraft PvP Clients and order them into a tier list from BEST to worst, granted this is a very controversial opinion and I’m sure you have your own opinion so please comment what you think below. This tier list was extremely difficult to rank and was based on FPS, Mod usability and general PC performance when playing & recording. If you’d like me to continue the tier list trend comment what you’d like to see next! The Minecraft FPS Boost Tier List So I gathered 11 of the most popular Minecraft…