Here are my setting to best optimize the game. It’s a fine balance between pure performance and aesthetics. Achieving 100+ fps on my rig is easily doable but the visuals would suffer a lot, this video describes my settings to get the best out of both worlds.
Full Recap:
Launcher: DX11 / Shadow Map 1536
In-game Settings:
Vision Distance: 0.5
Object Detail: 1.5
Grass Details Density: 75%
Grass Rendering Distance: 150
Grass Size: 1
Texture Detail: 75%
Rendering Distance: (Static): 50%
Rendering Distance: (Dynamic): 50%
Rendering Distance: (Shadows): 100%
Anisotropic Filtering: 16
Specular: 2.5
Lighting Distance: 1
Shadow Quality: 0.5
Sun Shaft Main: 1.5
Sun Shaft Base: 0.25
All the boxes ticked or on high except Depth of field, Frequency and vertical sync.