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SECRET Season 4 Tips & Tricks You Didn’t Know About! – Fortnite Battle Royale

In this video, I cover a bunch of secret Season 4 tips & tricks that you should definitely learn! These include a complete guide to all the new fish that are in the game, new adjustments to the loot pool as well as chest spawn, smart tips for which shotguns to use, as well as new techniques and methods to help you win more fights. All of these tips and tricks are new with Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 and have not been covered anywhere else on YouTube. They also work in every game mode in the Battle Royale option including arena, public matches and creative. Lastly, these secret tips and tricks are extremely useful and I highly recommend you incorporate them into your own games. So, if you’re looking for a bunch of secret Season 4 tricks that you probably didn’t know about, then this is definitely the video for you. On top of that, this video will teach you some useful tips and tricks, help you win your first game in Season 4, and make you improve as a player! If you have read this…