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PUBG Mobile | Test on Core i7 6700 | RX 590 8GB | HDR + Extreme | Gameloop 32 bit |

PUBG Mobile | Test on Core i7 6700 | RX 590 8GB | HDR + Extreme | Gameloop 32 bit |

If you’re looking for a good PUBG Mobile test environment to play with, this is the video for you! We’ll show you how the new build performs on the Core i7 6700 and RX 590 8GB, and compare it to the older build. This is definitely a test you don’t want to miss!
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???? SPECS ????

◽️ Core i7-6700 3.40GHz
◾️ RX 590 8GB Nitra Gaming
◽️ 8GB DDR3 1333MHz
◾️ Intel 1500 Series 80GB SSD – Windows 10
◽️ 500GB HDD
◽️ TR2 500W
◾️ Normal Tower PC Case

???? Recorded with AMD Software.
