I tried putting a link here but it did not work, so just copy and paste into powershell the below text:
# PowerShell Script for Absolute Maximum Optimization of PUBG GameUserSettings.ini
# Define the path to the PUBG config file. Adjust this if your file is located elsewhere.
$configFilePath = “$env:LOCALAPPDATATslGameSavedConfigWindowsNoEditorGameUserSettings.ini”
# Check if the file exists
if (Test-Path $configFilePath) {
# Read the file contents
$configContent = Get-Content $configFilePath
# Apply all performance optimizations
# Basic to Advanced
$configContent = $configContent -replace ‘ScreenScale=.*’, ‘ScreenScale=100.000000’
$configContent = $configContent -replace ‘sg.ResolutionQuality=.*’, ‘sg.ResolutionQuality=30.000000’
$configContent = $configContent -replace ‘r.ScreenPercentage=.*’, ‘r.ScreenPercentage=40’
$configContent = $configContent -replace ‘r.MaxAnisotropy=.*’, ‘r.MaxAnisotropy=0’
$configContent = $configContent…