Released jailbreak for ios 16.4 devices supported method that doesn’t require the user of an iphone to connect device to a computer. Step by step tutorial.
Hello everyone welcome to my new tutorial. In today’s video I’ll show you how to go about jailbreaking if you are on current ios 16.4 version. Lucky for you we will not need a computer and a cable for this so it is safe to say this video will work for every viewer.
You might be asking why would I jailbreak my ios 16 device and here are some features that get unlocked with it: installing tweaked applications, display customization, possibility of removing in built apple’s default applications and more.
I hope that I managed to explain everything you need to know about jailbreaking ios 16.4 device but if I missed something write it in the comments and I will pin the message so everyone can see it. Thanks