Hello everyone today in microsoft flight simulator 2020 we will discuss another performance tweak that can help reduce lag , stutters and increase fps. Please keep in mind that not all systems are the same and the results will vary that said these 3 steps should make your sim smoother and hopefully less stutters. In the video i go over the hpet in windows and why it may benefit you to turn this off i also go over how to do that as well. Next we will revisit the islc program that many of you may be familiar with from the last video But there is 1 thing that we did not do and that is to optimize the the timer resolution . In this video i will go over how to achieve the .5ms response time to get the best latency possible with the least amount of lag. If your timer res. is lower that .5 on not exactly .5 then you need to follow these steps to correct this. Lastly we go over the nvidia resizable bar and what it is. Turning this on will warrant a 5 to 10 percent increase in fps. The only…