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MacBook Pro M2 Base Model: Slow SSD? NOT as slow as you think!

The new MacBook Pro M2 Pro Base model with 512GB may appear to have slow read and write speeds. But, it’s not the case! I discovered a tool called fio (a command line tool) that the simulates semi real-word hard drive tests and the M2 Pro doesn’t always have slow SSD read/write speeds.

00:00 Quick unboxing
00:33 Intro
01:04 Slow SSD Speeds?
01:24 Simulating Real World SSD speeds using FIO
03:01 FIO speed results
03:12 Slow SSD a big problem?
04:11 Worth the upgrade?

FIO tool:

Can be installed via homebrew:

FIO manual:

In depth article from arstechnica

Some fio commands I ran:
fio –name=random-write-file-1MB –ioengine=posixaio –rw=randwrite –bs=1MB –numjobs=1 –filesize=5g –iodepth=1 –runtime=60 –time_based –end_fsync=1

fio –name=random-read-file-1MB…