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MacBook Pro 14″ (M1 Pro) vs 13″ (M1) // Spend or Save?

While the M1 MacBook Pro 13″ models proved to be very powerful, capable devices, they have now been placed in a new category since the arrival of the 2021 MacBook Pro 14″ and 16″ variants. Apple defines these now year old machines as “power to go,” whereas they characterize the newer Pro models as “Supercharged for Pros.” With this said, if you are in the market for a new Apple laptop besides the MacBook Air… which variant should you buy? Sure, the MacBook Pro 14″ has all the bells and whistles and a fancy “new” design, but do you necessarily need it? In this video I casually compare the two laptops in pretty much every way in order to help YOU decide which machine is right for you… and ULTIMATELY, whether you should spend or save.

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