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JAILBREAK Release: XinaA15 JAILBREAK RELEASED With NEW UI + Bug Fixes + Tweaks! iOS 15.0 – 15.1.1

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In today’s video, we’re discussing the release of XinaA15 jailbreak for iOS 15.0 up to iOS 15.1.1 on all modern iOS devices (A12+) which include iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone 11, etc. The jailbreak comes with tweaks support and Sileo package manager by default. At this moment XinaA12 / XinaA15 jailbreak is the only one available for A12+ on iOS 15.

The v1.1.7.1 update released today adds a brand new user interface (UI), fixes a couple of important bugs, and improves stability quite a bit on the XinaA15 jailbreak. The jailbreak is semi-untethered and available in the IPA format just like Unc0ver and Taurine Jailbreak.

IMPORTANT: This video is provided for informational, research, and news purposes. Jailbreaking is free and legal as per DMCA 2015. Please use jailbreaking tools responsibly.
