Here in this video we will talk about Apple’s latest update iOS 17.4, Before updating to iOS 17.4 there are few things you need to understand. You can always complete this kind of minor iOS updates via iTunes if you have laptop or pc else you can update via OTA’s on the iPhone itself. Because it will reduce the amount of Bugs / issues & you can use your iPhone smoothly without any hiccup. iOS 17.4 update was primarily focused on major bug fixes and new features including ( New Stolen Device Protection freature on all devices, New Caller theam, Apple also raised this 500 cycle to 1000 battery cycles, New clock widget, New UI changes, Software BUGs, security patches and so on ). #milanthomas #applemalayalam #ios17.4 #ios17 #newupdate #iphoneupdate #iosupdate
0:00 – Intro
0:07 – update size and Firmware
0:41 – New Features and Changes
• MUSIC :…