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*iOS 16* iphone customization + organization tips/tricks! MUST DO!

welcome to my how to customize your iphone with iOS 16 video! SO EXCITED ABOUT THE NEW UPDATE! i show you new lockscreen widgets, how to change the colors and fonts of your date/time, and other fun iOS 16 updates!
#iphonecustomization #ios16

download the graphics here!
little rainbow: ⋒

1.) how to update to ios 16 00:0-1:31
2.) inspiration/ideas for you! 1:32-2:27
3.) how to make lockscreen message / change lockscreen photo! 2:28-5:30
4.) change time/date font and color! 5:31-6:34
5.) add lockscreen widgets! 6:35-7:47
6.) how to change homescreen after iOS 16 7:48-9:16
7.) how to make multiple lockscreen/homescreen pairs: 9:17-10:02
8.) extra customizations: 10:03-12:10
9.) iOS 16 tips + tricks 12:10-15:29

*iOS 16* iphone customization + organization tips/tricks! MUST DO!

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