iOS 15 Jailbreak – How To Jailbreak iOS 15 – Cydia 15 Untethered No Computer
It’s my delight to present to you the most efficient way to Jailbreak iOS 15 so you can gain access to a bunch of apps. Trust me, this has been in development for years. By following the correct instructions you will learn by the end how to Jailbreak iOS 15. As amazing as it is, there are a few steps that need to be followed. Just make sure that you backup your device and you are connected to a wifi network.
Best thing about this ios jailbreak is that you don’t have to plug in any cords to your laptop or computer. Cydia is what any ios fanatic needs and there’s a multitude of useful tweaks to choose from. What is greatly appreciated is that Apple finally made sure to fix some of those nasty bugs in iOS 15 no computer. Just in the nick of time you can experience iOS 15 in all of its glory.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed this release and we’ll make sure to improve in the future as a developing team. Just…