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iOS 15.0.2 / 14.7.1 / 14.4 A12+ JAILBREAK Achieved! New Jailbreak With SSH Demoed By pattern-F

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Today I have fantastic news for those of you who are waiting for an iOS 14.4 and newer jailbreak. Security researcher pattern-f has achieved a new jailbreak on iPhone 11 using Saar Amar’s vulnerability PoC released a few days ago, thus essentially proving that the vulnerability is indeed useful for jailbreak purposes. The vulnerability has been patched in iOS 15.0.2, so this opens a lot of possibilities to the iOS Jailbreak community.

Pattern-F’s demo was for iOS 14, but they’ve used the new vulnerability PoC released by Saar Amar a few days ago. While Saar Amar did not release an exploit, but rather a PoC (Proof of Concept). Pattern-F managed to make their own by the looks of it.

As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials!
~ GeoSn0w

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