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iOS 15.0 – 16.5 A12+ JAILBREAK NEWS: KFD Kernel Vuln IPA RELEASED! For Newer Devices

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In today’s video, we’re discussing about the kfd project released a few days ago by @_p0up0u_ . This project is maybe the biggest release for the jailbreak community as it provides two kernel vulnerabilities and their writeups for developers to build a jailbreak utility on top of it. The KFD project works on iOS 15.0 up to iOS 16.5 on A12+ devices.

The kfd project is completely open-source on GitHub, however, nobody took the time to compile it in IPA format for those who don’t have macOS / Xcode, so I made a compiled version available for you to test on your device. If you’re interested in iOS Security Research, this tool should come in handy.

Jailbreaking your device is legal thanks to a DMCA exemption granted in 2012 and updated in 2015 which makes jailbreaking your device perfectly fine. With a jailbreak, you can customize the look and feel of your device’s UI even…