Apple’s iOS 14.6 has just arrived, along with some cool new features. But the latest iPhone update also fixes a whopping 43 security vulnerabilities, some of which are pretty serious. The launch of iOS 14.6 comes just weeks after iOS 14.5.1, a mid-cycle emergency security update, which fixed a number of issues that hackers had been already using to attack iPhones. Thankfully, it doesn’t appear the security issues fixed in iOS 14.6 have been exploited by hackers yet. In other words, the security holes are there, but adversaries don’t yet appear to have the details. Apple doesn’t tend to give much detail about security fixes, because the iPhone maker prefers to wait until a large proportion of users have updated their phones first. Among the vulnerabilities addressed in iOS 14.6, the most serious appear to be in WebKit, the engine that powers Apple’s Safari browser. WebKit has also been at the center of multiple other security issues fixed by Apple this year. The two…