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iOS 12.4.9 Speed / Performance and Battery test.

iOS 12.4.9 was released by Apple November 5th so long over due
for me to dig out the old devices from the bottom of the drawer
and get them ready for one, maybe last, round in the circus.
iOS 12.4.9 adds no new features so not
expecting any revolutionary stuff in terms of performance
/ battery enhancements. It seems like you can also still jailbreak iOS 12.4.9. So there are not real reason why you
should not upgrade from any other older version iOS 12. I
will run a comparison anyways to see if there are any signs
of performance improvements, just the same. I will also include
a side by side battery test video of the iPhone 6 as those devices
have new batteries. Lets go !

Remember to subscribe, studies show that subscribers iPhones are
faster than non-subscribers. Now you know.

How Geekbench works :

Geekbench 4 battery scores measure the battery life of a device when running processor-intensive applications. It provides a consistent workload to the device, and generates a…