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Investment committee – November 1, 2023

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Investment committee: November 1, 2023
Item 1: Approval of Committee Agenda 02:21
Item 2: Opportunities for Statements from the Public 02:33
Item 3: Investment Policy Revision: Portfolio Restrictions 22:11
Item 4: Annual Investment Cost & Savings Report 31:48
Item 5: Liquidity Oversight Management – Leverage Education 01:05:54
Item 6: Chief Investment Officer’s Report 01:23:33
Item 7: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education 01:42:15
Item 8: Special Mandates Report 02:56:21
Item 9: Approval of Minutes of the September 13, 2023 03:06:55
Item 10: FY 2022-23 GIPS Performance Report 03:07:03
Item 11: Review of Information Requests 03:07:35
Item 12: Draft Agenda for the Next Committee Meeting 03:08:09