Tweaked Apps iOS 13 install via Jailbreak iOS 13.5 | AppCake Jailbreak store! Installing Tweaked Apps for iPhone without revokes in 2020 is almost impossible. You now need to Jailbreak iOS 13.5 in order to install Tweaked Apps. Thankfully, AppCake has you covered, as their AppCake Jailbreak Tweaked Apps store allows you to install Tweaked Apps iOS 13 – 13.5 NO Revoke/Computer required!
As long as you stay in the Jailbreak state, your Tweaked Apps for iPhone or iPad will never revoke. However, if you do restart, then make sure to run Uncover Jailbreak again to rejailbreak and get the Tweaked Apps working again. If you don’t have a Jailbreak, the only way to install Tweaked Apps no jailbreak is via AltStore. While AppCake does have a no computer Tweaked Apps store, it is currently revoked. Furthermore, while AppCake alternatives like Tweakbox and AppValley exist, Tweakbox Apps not downloading and AppValley are revoked, therefore you cannot download Apps from AppValley or…