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How to speed up your pc performance with this power plan

*This tweak require an elevated/administrator account to work*

After I unlocked every single power plan options, I find that even Ultimate Performance power plan (and bitsum highest performance) isn’t use all of you cpu potential, so I decied to make my own power option that will truly use your cpu full power

This power plan will max out your cpu (and other thing) performance as much as possible with any means, such as unpark your cpu core, disable any type of thottling and force it runs at 100% performance etc….

NOTE: This power plan won’t boost your laptop if your laptop is not plugged in order to prevent this power plan drain battery, so you don’t need to worry about this power plan will suck your laptop battery


NOTE: this thing won’t make your CPU as fast as i9. And yes, this power plan is modified from Bitsum Highest Peformance powerplan