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Torjes recoil control:
The aim in Apex Legends is one of the most important aspects of getting better, dominating the lobbies and fights. Aim Oscillation, Jitter aim and Aim smoothing are some of the techniques that pros like Ottr and Torjes use to win every fight where the aim is the main factor. All of these are far better alternatives than actually countering the recoil pattern of the gun despite what some Pros might advise, with time ofc more and more people especially in the ALGS have started to use one or more of these Aiming methods where each margin of accuracy may win or lose a game. Ottr goes in-depth explaining how each technique works, how to get better at it and use it in-game as well as which guns are best for Aim Oscillation, Jitter Aim and Aim Smoothing. The School of Ottr Guides help the…