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Ford Mustang SVT Cobra Terminator lives up to the hype!

For all of us who appreciate affordable power, thank the Ford Mustang and it’s incredible production span of nearly 60 years. However, not all Mustangs are the same, so when it comes to the iterations we love the most, why does the SVT Cobra Terminator hold a special place?

00:00 Ford Mustang introduction
02:13 New mustang SN95 body style
03:54 SVT Terminator origins
08:03 Mustang more power than Ferrari?
11:51 What is so special about this Mustang?
13:53 Upgrades and modifications
19:13 V8 sound and exhaust upgrades
25:58 Extras and Outtakes

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Historically speaking, the original launch of the Mustang in the 1960’s was a tremendous success, becoming one of the most popular and…