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Floor Plan in Microsoft Word using Easy Measurement and Scaling Technique

In this tutorial you will learn How to create Floor Plan in MS Word using Easy Measurement and Scaling Technique. Even the floor plan symbols are completely created in Microsoft Word. You can download this template for free in Microsoft Word Format on my website here:

The scaling method that i m going to use in this tutorial is called the linear or graphic scale. You might also call it as the map scale. When this is verbally expressed it is called Verbal Scale. This is different from Numerical or Representative Fraction scanning method.

According to this scaling method a unit of measurement in a map or a plan can be corresponded to the size units of real world measurements.

For example: 1cm = 1ft, 1 inch = 1 mile, 1mm = 1km

This means that 1cm on the plan corresponds to 1ft in the real world size. The advantage of this scaling method is that its easy to understand, even a common man can easily make out the measurements…