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Detox Tips, Toxins in Homes, Candles, Face Taping Instead of Botox For Jowls, Salt Water Recipe

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Detox, Household Toxin, Toxicity Symptoms, Face Taping | Dr. Janine

In this episode of the Dr. Janine Show, Dr. Janine shares a list of toxins that are lucking in your home. She takes a deep dive into the health hazards of toxic candles. Dr. Janine looks at the symptoms of toxicity in the body. She explains how to do a full-body detox. She demonstrates a recipe for a saltwater solution to maintain hydration. Dr. Janine talks about how to watch out for titanium dioxide in your supplements. She shares and exercises to help with lymphatic drainage. Lastly, Dr. Janine shares a great face-taping technique for jowls.

Links to supplements mentioned in this show.
Full Body Detox – Vitatree VitaDetox:
Fiber – Vitatree VitaMucil:

Links to studies mentioned in this episode.
Extent of exposure to scented candles and prevalence of respiratory and non-respiratory symptoms amongst young university students -…