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Detailed Age of Mythology: Retold Gameplay Analysis & Comparisons with Original AoM – Xbox Deep Dive

Xbox Games Showcase had a follow-up segment about AoM:R with the devs and we learnt more details and much more importantly saw actual (however basic) gameplay – tons of new info and comparisons with original game to unpack, so get seated and let’s get to it.

Sorry about my voice maybe not being prominent enough compared to the talk, I was trying to find some good ratio as I wanted it to be hearable as well, we do pause a lot though to talk about things without interference.

Also some info is a bit off on the comparisons (like the Priests getting upgrades on Ages) since I’m not a walking encyclopedia, so you can compare yourselves as well, but you can get the idea, sorry anyway.

Xbox Games Showcase Deep Dive – Age of Mythology: Retold:

0:00 Intro
5:39 First in-game segment of a…