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Daily Dose of Nature | So You Want to See a Wild Polar Bear: The Where, What, When & Why

You’re out on the frozen tundra, scanning the horizon for the Arctic’s largest carnivore, when you spy a massive white bear lumbering toward your Polar Rover, just yards away. You catch your breath as it halts, sniffing the air, and looks up at you. Observing polar bears in their natural habitat is a thrilling spectacle for wildlife lovers. Their fascinating biology, migration, and increasing rarity on our planet make this rare opportunity a coveted one. And the very act of traveling to see polar bears in the Arctic contributes significantly to saving them, since it demonstrates the economic value of conservation. What was once an expedition only possible for intrepid Arctic explorers with extended time to sail, trek, and even overwinter in the northernmost parts of our planet is now available for anyone with a sense of wonder and intrigue about Arctic wildlife—and polar bears are surely the most spectacular of denizens. What’s the best way to join a comfortable, modern-day…