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Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion (DX11+Engine Tweaks) | i3 2120/4GB RAM/GT 1030

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Hey guys, remember when I said “you will not get a constant 60 FPS”?
Welp, I wasn’t entirely wrong since there’s dips here or there, most notably at the beginning of a Limit Break, buuut… I think I got a good enough compromise.
I spent the past few hours experimenting with known Unreal Engine tweaks I found over the internet, and I found an excellent way to improve the performance of the game without hurting the visual quality too much. Some textures get loaded with a bit of a delay, the particles don’t look as fancy as they do by default, but I think the tweaks I made manage to retain the game’s appearance for the most part, while providing a juicy performance boost.

To put things simply, I disabled certain visual effects such as Depth of Field (which I don’t really like, as a matter of fact) and tweaked certain values to craft an Engine.ini file for the game that improves noticeably the way in which the game makes use of both the CPU and the GPU, on my PC at least.
As a result…