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Chapter 33 My AuDHD Story Part 4: my thirties & early 40s

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Chapter 33 recapping my unexpected Autism and ADHD year: this week I’m looking back at my thirties and early 40s and the two opposing stories of those years, both of which were equally true – the happy smiling adventure version, and the struggle that having undiagnosed AuDHD was having on me trying to find my place in the world that ultimately led to a breakdown and an ASD diagnosis.

My thirties were the decade where my outward success and inner turmoil became most in opposition to each other as I came to realise I was struggling badly to be able to enjoy the life I was living, simply because I had no framework to understand why my brain works the way it does. This is why knowledge and understanding of neurodivergence is so important to push up the agenda, so people simply understand themselves and how to accommodate the way they process the world.

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