This is a to-the-point video on blocking all ads from paid or free apps on iPhone. This method works for all the applications I have tested and is a great way to reduce the noise thrown at you. No more pesky advertisements in games or social media. Just you and the task at hand.
To Delete / uninstall / remove:-
Guys to uninstall it just go into settings scroll down go into General then scroll down go into VPN & Device Management then you will see Adblock Luna VPN click on that and you will see remove profile click on that put in your password and it will be removed.
If it turns on automatically do this:-
Just go into settings scroll down go into General then scroll down go into VPN & Device Management then you will see at the top VPN connected click on that then you will see Status Connected and there is a switch just click on the switch it should turn off and if you look down the second option will be Enable Adblock Luna VPN and there will…