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Best Windows 11 Settings for Gaming (Boost Gaming)

Learn the best Windows 11 settings for gaming

On Windows 11, there are several ways you can speed your computer for gaming. This video shows you seven simple ways you can do this. In addition to doing this, please consider upgrading your hardware as well.

For example, if you do not have a dedicated graphics card, consider getting one. Additionally, use a solid state drive instead of a regular hard disk drive.

Registry File Path
ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionMultimediaSystemProfileTasksGames

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Time Stamps

0:00 Clean Your Computer (more space for gaming)
0:27 Optimize Registry
1:16 Best Performance Power Settings
1:32 Disable Startup Apps
1:51 Delete Unnecessary Apps
2:07 Adjust Display Settings
2:53 Optimize Your CPU