Best Settings for Pubg Mobile On Gameloop? | Which Is The Best Number Of Processor To choose?
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About This Video:-
In this video i’m gonna show you pubg mobile gameplay fps test on gameloop. In gameloop you also have a settings like Processor 1,2,4,8 Etc Its Depend On your cpu. so i am also show the performance of game on different processor settings.
you can ask your questions, i will ans as soon as possible:)
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In This Video I’m Using R7 260x 2GB GDDR5 GPU
Processor : I7 860 2.80Ghz 1ST GEN
Ram : 10gb 1333mhz
GPU : R7 260x 2gb ddr5 / R7 240 2gb OC ddr3 / GT 710 1gb ddr3
Recorder : Msi Afterburner
OS : Windows 10…