Get the most out of your PC in Overwatch by following this simple step-by-step guide that will let you get a higher fps while at the same time lowering the input lag in the game.
Link to an older video that contains a tutorial how to reduce the input lag and also how to check what kind of SIM you got ingame:
Intro: 00:00
Ingame Settings: 00:31
Nvidia Control Panel: 03:58
Nvidia Sharpness Filter: 05:06
Applying Sharpness Filter and Comparison: 06:48
Overwatch Graphical Settings:
Display Mode: Fullscreen – Gives more FPS
Resolution: Pick your native display with the amount of Hz your screen has
VSync and Triple Buffering: Always turn these options off
Reduce Buffering: Turn on
Limit FPS: Recommended you put it on Display Based or around your Hz
Texture Quality: Depends on the system however you don’t really lose a lot of frames by putting it on High compared to Low
Texture Filtering Quality: Epic – 16x
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