#benqgv30 #review #benqgv30 #airplay
Why don’t we all use projectors instead of televisions? Isn’t the possibility of a giant screen at a reasonable price a no-brainer? Not including… You still need pretty specific requirements for the room you put the projector in. In fact, you probably need to build the entire room around the projector to make sure it’s in exactly the right place. Oh, and it must be dark. Super dark. Probably best to watch at night. Other than that, it’s the perfect solution. BenQ has other ideas… The BenQ GV30 could win the cutest looking device I’ve reviewed all year. It’s a portable projector, but it doesn’t really look like a projector at all. If it were completely round, the rim would be the size and shape of a small muffin tin. The circular speaker grilles on either side and the leather carrying loop on the top give it the look of a Bluetooth speaker you can use, but we’ll get to that soon. Included is an attractive…