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Basic Computer Skills for the Workplace in 2021 – 12 Hours of Free Tech Training

What basic computer knowledge should you have to prepare for today’s workplace? Free 12 hours of IT training. This tutorial includes 5 Microsoft courses on the latest skills to get hired. Each course is comprehensive and easy to understand.
Link to working files for the various courses:
Need a tool to manage your hard disk and partitions? Check out the free Minitool Partion Wizard:

The free courses are comprehensive and include:
0:00:00 Microsoft Word
2:55:48 Microsoft Excel
5:23:11 Microsoft PowerPoint
7:33:48 Microsoft Outlook
9:43:03 Windows 11

Getting a job or getting into IT can sometimes difficult, let this video show you some simple things you should learn when you are considering a new job or a new career.

The tutorial covers everything Microsoft to prepare for the…