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Baldur's Gate – Mod installation guide

Hello everyone 🙂 A frequent request that I’ve received in these past few days was on how to install mods for Baldur’s Gate. This guide will be done over a fresh installation of BG1 and BG2, both from GoG (the entire process should be the same for Steam as well) using version

As some of you may know, my playthroughs here in the channel as well as any other Baldur’s Gate content I make is playing on a modded game where I use the following mods: IWDification; SCS; Tweaks Anthology. It is my opinion that these mods greatly enhance the experience while playing Baldur’s Gate making it much more challenging, engaging and enjoyable! I also use some other “more optional” mods I guess you could call them that I feel make the game better but I wouldn’t say they are as *game changing* as the ones I just mentioned: Ascension(BG2); Rogue Rebalancing; Mini Quests & Encounters (BG1).

It is the goal of this video to show how I go about downloading and installing these mods (as well as…