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Bad Gear – Roland V-Synth

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Welcome to Bad Gear, the show about the world’s most hated audio tools. Today we are going to talk about Roland V-Synth. Does this highly misunderstood former Roland flagship synth deserve the online hate and why did it fail back in the time when it was released? Is it on par with other classics like the Roland Jupiter-8, Roland D-50 or Roland JP-8000?

Thanks to Mario Reithofer of TSAMM for this synth from his great collection:

00:00 Intro tune
00:55 Overview Roland V-Synth XT
01:34 Virtual Analog Oscillators (Juno, D-50, SuperSaw, HQ,…)
02:33 Ext. Input, PCM Waveforms (Samples)
02:53 VariPhrase (Elastic Audio)
03:25 Patch Modes (Ring Modulation, FM)
03:33 Filter, COSM FX (Waveshaper, Resonator,…)
03:57 Structure Modes, TVA (Amp), Multi FX
04:15 Multitimbrality, Arpeggiator,…