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Ayedapt enhances iOS home screen icons in both light and dark mode settings.

During the day, dark-based icons tend to feel lost from the glare. At night, white-based icons can strain your eyes. With Ayedapt, light icons will display during the day while dark icon will takeover when the sunsets.

For example, the interface of Reminders app dynamically changes depending on the mode but its app icon does not. With Ayedapt, the Reminders app icon (along with many other app icons) will dynamically change when the user interface changes. There are some exceptions such as FaceTime, Messages, Phone etc. that will not drastically change due to its nature. 

Ayedapt’s goal is to enhance the icons on your home screen throughout the day, no matter what mode is being used. Ayedapt also supports over 200 App Store app icons by adapting light-based icons to dark tone and vice versa.