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Arch Install and Hyprland setup

*** NOTE ***
I have release an improved version of this install script labeled as a V2. Please take a look at my new video showing the script here you may want to try the newer script over this version. Thank you!
*** End Note ***

Step by step on how to install Arch Linux and get a functional base of Hyprland.
Hyprland is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor check out the project page here:

Sharing my Hyprland GitHub project that includes a collections of config files and a simple install script to get Hyprland running, check out for more details and to view the files used in this video.

Yay install repo:
My hyprland repo

Major software components used in this Arch deployment: Hyprland, kitty, waybar, swaybg, swaylock, wofi, wlogout, starship, thunar

Thank you to the project for the…