With the new MacOS 10.14 update and iOS 13 update, apple released a new exciting feature, the ability to turn your ipad into a portable monitor for your mac labeled Sidecar. Get it, cause it’s a tiny screen compared to your bigger one. But wait, there’s already an app out there that does that. Duet Display. The question then becomes why should I bother paying for something that costs $15 when Apple lets me do that for free already. And the answer might surprise you. Today we’ll be comparing Apple Sidecar to Duet Display and why you should use or the other. Let’s get started with a little review.
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Sony Alpha a5100:
Sony SEL35F18 Lens:
Blue Yeti:
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Sony Lavalier Mic:
Vanguard Alta Pro 263AB Tripod:
13in Macbook Pro non-touchbar:…