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AoW4 MP Watcher Patch – Session 6.8 The end draws near

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This is the eighth episode in my sixth MP game with @WinSlayaGaming and his group, this time including Amikdara as likely our “big bad,” as that lady has probably played more total hours than the rest of us combined. Fortunately we’re playing with a very strange and wild stipulation- WinSlaya is allowed to intentionally build Amikdara’s faction and do tome selection (at least for now), so Amikdara is definitely playing with one hand tied behind her back. Will that be enough?

This map is very weird, btw- low light, regenerating infestations- and critically a rule change suggested by Amikdara; only 3 heroes per side per battle. Such a change reduces the overall strength of things like Revelry but also just generally puts way more pressure on your unit roster. We’re running Industrious again, but expect a slight change of direction versus Skittles as we’re running a Wizard King and Adept Settlers this time.


With Empire and Ashes right around the corner, I…