Taking a look at emulation using an Android phone. The Note10+ proves to be quite capable, though I’d say going above Dreamcast is not fantastic — similar to a Retroid Pocket 2+ or 3.
The Ipega bluetooth controller is a competent way to play games though not one I’d like to do a lot of gaming on.
All in all it’s an impressive way to experience a lot of emulation and will come down to how much power you think a phone needs to do the kind gaming you want, and how you would like to play it…personally I don’t like touch controls for emulating a gamepad, but I also think the controller market is fairly hit and miss between style and substance. It really begs a way for you to experience these controllers before you buy as they can get quite expensive.
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00:00 – Intro
05:00 – RetroArch
13:00 – M64Plus FZ Pro
16:30 – DuckStation
22:00 – Mame
24:51 – PPSSPP
28:12 – Redream
34:37 – Dolphin MMJR
41:40 – AetherSX2
47:25 – Skyline
51:22 – DraStic
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