Top 10 FB Messenger Hidden Quirks
How to Avoid A Person’s Messages and Calls Without Blocking Them
-use Restrict
-all messages and calls will not notify you.
-this will also hide the subjects messages from you and all its history until you decide to UNRESTERICT them again
Read Messages and Keep it UNREAD or UNSEEN
-Move the message first on RESTRICT then read the message
Pretend You Didn’t Read Someone Else’s Message
-use Mark as Unread
Mention Everyone in a Group Chat
-Type “Everyone”
Hide a Message Temporarily but Not Delete Them
-use Archive feature
-this will temporarily hide one of your chats with another person but will reappear again once you or that other person sends a message again
Silence a Person but Still See Them on Messenger
-use MUTE
-you may use time limits or mute them indefinitely until you decide to hear from them again
-you can still see the messages and calls each time you open the messenger.
Guide a Person to Your Location
-activate Location…