I have gathered all information with regards to Cold & Dark start up of the BOEING 737 from real world pilots of different airlines and simulated them into this video. Yet, I insist on the fact that this guidance is to be used only for Simulation purposes. Though, I have forgotten to include the part where “Circuit breakers” have to be verified to ensure none of them is pulled out. Anyways, it should be checked right after Emergency Escape Rope.
I have also included passengers chatter & few other audio effects in the background to make it sound Quite realistic.
Here’s some abbreviations explained for Beginners:
-APU: Auxiliary Power Unit
-GPU: Ground Power Unit
-IRS: Inertial Reference Unit
-ECC: Electronic Engine Control
-GPWS: Ground Proximity Warning System
-MCP: Mode Control Panel
-STAB: Stabiliser
Hardware main specs:
CPU: I7 8750H @ 2.2 Ghz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1070
RAM: 16 GB
Aircraft Add-ons:
Zibo mod 737 freeware
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